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Shaheizy Sam

Assalammualaikum. Saje-saje godek google cari itu ini, tetiba nak tahu pasal shaheizy sam haa. Tak rajin pun nak baca tapi interesting pulak nak tahu serba sedikit pasal dia kan. Harhar :P


Sam was born to dramatist Khaty Fudziah and former NSW Deputy State Police Chief, Abdul Samad Jaaman. He is the youngest child of five.
Three of his siblings are also involved in the entertainment industry. His first brother, Ahmad Shah Al-Jeffry was a member of 90s popgroup, A to Z. His sister, Zizie Ezette, is a famous actress who has starred in many high quality plays and has won the Best Actress award twice. His other brother, Samzy Fuzette, is a former actor, and currently is an active businessman.
Sam's other sister, Jozieta Ronalie Abdul Samad, is the only one who is not involved in the entertainment industry.
The family's involvement in arts started when Zizie Ezette began acting at the age of 14 and when Jeff joined A to Z in 1996.
Before Sam's father died on April 9, 1995 from a chronic illness, he had requested that Khaty take some time to determine the direction of the family. The single mother of five children said her husband had told her to choose whether to continue working at the office, or to accompany Zizie to location filming.[citation needed]

[edit]Early age as a child actor (1995-1999)

Following Zizie's and Jeff's successes, Sam became a child actor through films like The when he was 12 years old.
In 1998, after a PMR examination, Sam appeared in the TV drama titled Command as Pa'e Shaharuddin Solomon or better known as Saian Salimon. Sam's talent really stood out with his ability to bring out the character. The drama received two nominations at theAnugerah Skrin leper 1998.

[edit]Disappearance and involvement in music (2000-2005)

After being introduced through tele Pae, Sam backed away from the acting world. Sam has since focused much attention to the subject until the end of school year 2001.

Personal life

In 2008, Sam reported scalp warm in love with the actress, Tengku Putri Najwa (Wawa) through the popular dramaDari KL ke Queenstown. Warmth they witnessed the media during a Festival Filem Malaysia-21. It is understood, the relationship is established over a year getting the blessing of both families, only Sam and Wawa at the moment want to focus on artistic career.
Early in 2010, Sam reported back solo. The demands of acting cause he did not have time to think the question to end the era servant. Sam now likes to spend time alone to watch the movie simultaneously expand the mind. Other activities of choice is the central shopping and chat with friends on social websites Facebook.
Sam love that has broken twice admit have not met the successor to fill the hearts after dropping out of the Wawa also find women who meet the characteristics of the dream as a ready smile and talk a lot. In addition, she must have the characteristics of real women. Sam is not worry she is from the artist or not. He just does not want the banana to fruit two times.

Sumber: Wikipedia

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Rindu nak menari balik

Actually aku rindu haa nak menari balik :( dah lama dah tak menari nari ni, huaaa. Cari kelas tarian dekat pb xda pun haa, kalau ad kelas tarian dkt penang pun aku sanggup pi laa. Last aku menari darjah 6 pegi peringkat negeri ja yg smpai, then tak boleh dah sebab nak exam UPSR masa tu. Naik sekolah menengah takde pun kebudayaan , mmg tak aktif pun. Aku dah la xaktif dalam sukan haa. Sekolah rendah pun xaktif sukan, mmg aktif bidan mcmtu je... Rindu nak sketsa,rindu nak menari,rindu nak nyanyi2.. Huaaa :'( akan ku usaha kan :P hehe. So, untuk lepaskan rindu cuma tengok je video2... Okay byeee